Monday, December 22, 2008

Such a ham!

Here are some pictures that I forgot to put with the last post. Rayden is such a little ham. We are so lucky to have him.

Cute baby!

In this picture it's as if he already knows he is a handsome boy!

Here are some more pictures of Rayden a couple of days after we got home. I think they are so funny! He definatly is a cute boy!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Coming home!

Rayden, Zoey and me after Rayden's bath. Zoey was so curious about him.
Rayden with his Daddy, the day we came home.

Rayden making a silly face.

Rayden on his way home from the hospital. I love the faces he makes!

Rayden's hospital pictures

As most of you know Rayden was born 5 weeks early, and had some difficulty breathing. After two days in the nursery at the hospital in Roosevelt, Rayden's left lung collapsed. He was flown to the University of Utah. Where we spent two weeks with him. Not only were we dealing with his breathing issues, we dealt with a bad case of jaundice. After we got over those issues, and were almost ready to go home he needed to learn to eat. That took longer than anything! It was kind of a rough two weeks. The staff at the U of U were amazing! We were so lucky that he was well taken care of! We are so blessed to have him home and healthy! After seeing the babies that were in the NICU, we are thankful that Rayden was big! Rayden and me!
Daddy's first diaper change. He said he would never do it, but he finally got in there and did it!

This picture you can tell how sick he looks. It's sad isn't it?

I love this picture of him, I think he looks so precious.
Rayden under the bili lights. He is wearing some nice shades huh?

Right after they measured him, and weighed him. He was 6 pounds 2 ounces, and 18.5 inches!

This is Dustin right after Rayden was born. He kind of looks a little freaked out. I think this is a funny picture of him.

Trying to figure this out!

Well I decided I would give blogging a shot. Everyone I talk to seems to really enjoy it, and I figure this will be a good way for my family to keep up with how Rayden is growing. Please forgive me, I am still trying to figure everything out.