Thursday, December 10, 2009

Giveaway! (Not by me)

Win an HP Touchsmart! MckMama is giving away an HP Touchsmart computer! If I blog about it I get another entry! Here is her link to her blog!

Monday, August 31, 2009


I know! I know! I am so horrible at updating this dang thing!

Rayden is 9 and a half months! I can't believe it! Time is going by way to fast! I am going to be 25 in a month and a half! That is so crazy!

Our June update: We did a lot of camping and riding four wheelers. We had so much fun! We go with my husbands uncle,and cousins and their kids! They have the cutest kids and it makes it so much fun and easier to go with other people that have kids. They all just play and get dirty and be little kids.

July update: We had a really busy July month. So much fun! But so busy! For the 4th of July we went to a cabin with Dustin's family and went and rode four wheelers and just relaxed all weekend. It was so much fun! Rayden had a blast riding four wheelers with his Dad and Mom.

A couple weeks later we went to the Altamont Longhorn Days. I put Rayden in the baby show and he got "coolest hair." I think he should have won. But don't all mom's think their babies should win? The weekend was the parade. I can't believe how many people come to a small little town for a parade! It was amazing!

At the end of the month Dustin and I left Rayden with his Grandma overnight for the first time! It was so hard. But we ended up having fun in the end! We went to Shinedown in Rock Springs at the county fair they have up there. It was a blast! We went with a group of couples which happen to be Dustin's cousins.We all ended up leaving kids at home. We all needed it. Lol While we were having fun Dustin's mom was having a little bit of a hard time with Rayden. He had a little bit of an upset stomach. When I went and picked him up he was sure glad to see me. Dustin's Aunt Karen was watching the other kids that were left which are her grandkids. She lives with Dustin's mom. They had there hands full that is for sure! They had 6 kids total. The oldest being 4! They were such good sports! When we left Rock Springs the boys loaded up in a truck and went to South Pass, WY to go prospecting. The girls parted ways in another car. So the boys got 4 days to themselves. They had a blast and we missed them and were glad that they came home! Next time will be a girls weekend thats for sure!

August update: This month has been a little boring. We haven't really done much. We went camping up above Vernal in Iron Springs. They have so many four wheeler trails. It was tons of fun. The 23rd was Dustin's bday and he turned 28! He is getting to be an old man. ;) We had a bbq this past weekend. It was nice to have people over. We usually don't have anyone over. We usually go to other peoples house. It's just easier that way. I don't have a mess to clean up afterwards. I am a little weird. I know.

The next month will be a lot of fun! We are going to be going to Washington for the last 2 weeks in September. We will be going to see all of Dustin's uncles on his Dad's side. It will be nice to get away. We have never been there before.

Now to update on Raydens progress. He is crawling all over the place, pulling himself up to stand. He follows me all over the place. I like that he can actually get around. He has 3 teeth now! The bottom two came in within 2 weeks of eachother and the top one is taking a little longer. He has had this runny nose that will not quit! He follows me around when he is mad yelling "ma, ma, ma," when he is happy it's "da, da, da." I guess that's the way it goes. He goes to his 9 month check up on Sept 3. I am sure he is a little above average in all of his growth. That's ok with me though! Sometimes when I look at him he remind me of a big kid! It is so sad! We are so lucky to have a happy, healthy baby! We love him so much!

I think that is all I have left. If you want pictures you can look at my facebook. If I upload them to my blog it takes WAY to long! I think that is why I have a hard time updating this. Hope you all enjoyed my rambling!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Late May/April Update/Picture Overload!

Here is a late update. Sorry!

Well Rayden is getting bigger and bigger everyday! He has learned how to rollover, sit up, and hold his own bottle all within a couple of weeks! It is amazing how it all comes together. We took Rayden on his first camping trip and it was a blast! He loved being on the grass. He is definatly a boys boy. When we came home he started to act a little fussy and has still been acting that way 3 days later. I think he has an ear infection, poor little guy. It's a good thing I go to the doctor today. He is supposed to get his 6 month check up and shots. I think I am going to have a fun night tonight.....Meanwhile, Dustin is still working a lot. He hasn't been gone as much as he was. Thank goodness! Mother's Day was not a big day for me at all! I was a little mad about that. I wish I had a thoughtful husband, that thinks that stuff like that is important to me. I might as well get used to it and quit complaning.

Not a whole lot is a going on with us, except Rayden is growing like a weed. I am off to the doctor right now. I have more pictures to post but not enough time. Wish me luck!

Daddy helping him ride the big wheel

Family picture camping

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Update

This is of Rayden today.
On Easter, for being sick he sure was happy.

Daddy and Rayden Easter morning. They look so cute!

Looking cool in his hat

Trying to feed himself

Mommy and Rayden with him sticking his tounge out.

Happy baby!

My happy boy!

Rayden sad at bath time.....he usually is very excited!

Rayden and Daddy

First time eating baby food.

Rayden in his car seat.

I know I am horrible at posting! Well I will just give an update on how we all are doing. Rayden is getting so big! I can't believe how he is just growing and growing! He still is NOT rolling over! I am hoping that it will be sometime soon. I think it has something to do with the fact that he was 5 weeks early. But he is doing other things that babies born at the same time are doing. We have been feeding him baby food, and he LOVES it. His favorite is bananas. He lost a lot of his hair, but it's growing back quite fast. As for me I am officially a stay at home mom. It has been quite a transition. I am not used to it. I feel like I should be going back to work, and that this is just a long vacation. Dustin has been working extremely LONG hours. I hardly see him during the week, and sometimes on the weekend. We have been wanting to go camping so bad. But it's hard to find time for Dustin, and the weather to be nice.

For the Easter weekend we really didn't do a whole lot. Rayden got his shots on Wednesday the 8th and then he got sick the day after! I know it's because I took him into the doctors office. That is his first time getting sick. He is just now starting to get over it. He still has a cough, and a little bit of wheeze. It got really bad on Easter Sunday, so we just stayed home.

It was Dustin's and my 4 year wedding anniversary on April 8th! I can't believe that we have been married that long. It has went by so fast. We have had so much fun in those 4 years. We didn't do anything on that day because Rayden got his shots, and Dustin didn't come home that night. So I told him that this weekend will be our "pretend" wedding anniversary and that he better plan something. Because he never does! He is not the romantic type at all! It drives me crazy, for once I would like him to plan something and surprise me.

Sorry this is a picture overload and it's backwards!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I know I haven't posted in a while. I think I am just lazy. So, I will try and update on everything that has been going on. Rayden is getting HUGE and has so much personality! He is starting to know what he likes and what he dislikes. I also went back to work at the beginning of February. I have had to leave him with someone which has been so hard! But I soon decided after leaving him that I didn't want to, and that I needed to do something about it. So I sold my other Tundra. I decided that I could always get another truck, but I can't replace that time that I am missing. I asked Dustin if one day when I get another vehicle if I could get another Toyota and he said that I could. It was the BEST truck and it was so NICE! I will miss it. My last day at the hospital will be at the end of March. I am going to miss it. I like my job and everyone I worked with.

Moving on, Dustin got a new four wheeler. He loves it! I am glad that he got something that he likes, and is able to hang out with the boys. I know I get my girl time, but he does not get a whole lot of guy time. He is excited when Rayden can be big enough that he can go. I think I might be a little sad.

I think that is all that is going on with us. I will try and be better about the posts.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Family Pictures/kiddie kandids

We went to Salt Lake yesterday and had some pictures taken of Rayden and one family picture taken. Rayden wasn't being all that cooperative. We did manage to get some pretty cute ones considering he was being fussy. Our family picture turned out ok. I would like to get a better one. We will wait a little bit longer and then try for another one when Rayden will acutally smile for the camera.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Funny faces

I almost forgot to post the funny faces that Rayden was making. I know I am posting a lot of pictures. I can't help it though. He is just to cute!